This was a really good album. Better than the 'Mr. Simple' album in my opinion. I think this album was produced with much care and it felt genuine. The 'Bonamana' and 'Mr. Simple' album were made simply as a follow up to create a new hit single like 'Sorry, Sorry' was. That album was really good and the best one! I can feel the sincerity in this album, it wasn't just put together. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels this way. Maybe it's because everyone is going to enter their army duties, but it feels like the last album, but I'm sure it's not. I think the members produced and composed this album to make it seem like it's their last, that's why it feels really sincere. They are just being free and doing their own thing. Not trying to prove anything, just having fun. Now, this album isn't perfect mind you, but it's not bad either. This album has a new sound for them which I like. It's called simplicity lol. When they aren't adding all those bells and whistles, and hybrids, and all that other foolishness, you have simplicity with uniqueness too!
Overall, this is a great, sincere and simple album while being memorable too. Every member poured their all into this as if this could be their last album, not having to prove anything anymore. Everyone sounds great, I'm glad that Kangin is back and hopefully his going to the army changed things for him so that he can gladly promote with his members before the leader leaves. YAY ELFS!!!!
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