The rookie girl group no one expected to last this long have finally put out their first full album! Nine Muses!! I have loved them since their debut and I have loved all of their title songs!
Prima Donna: GREAT OPENER!!! LOVE IT!!!! It's like I'm really at a show!!! Great intro!!
Gun: Love it! They always find a way to modernize or change up their typical sound with the horns and old school 80's vibe! Very catchy, great choice of title song just love it!!
Love the video! They're sexy and extremely pretty I'm dying of jealousy!! I love some of their outfits from the different time periods! That's interesting! The choreo is decent nothing rememerable but it's a good video!
Rumor: The instrumental is definitely continuing with the show vibe, like I'm at a cabaret or something in the 50's. This song is good! Pop and fun! Sexy too! I love the vocals and Sera haha. My only problem is the bad vocals from a few girls, they are definitely struggling to hit some notes and stay in key but other than that the song is good!
A Few Good Man: Bad english. Can't stand that title. But the song is good! Pop and upbeat, catchy and fun! Vocals are good and the rap is too!
Last Scene: Now AMAZING. I love the slow, sultry sound to it. Their voices are so dark and mellow and the instrumental is great too! This song suits them! I don't know what that first song was but THIS is amazing. LOVE IT. The vocals are on point too! Love the jazz feel to it and the guitar!! Love it!
Rock Women: For the title, we're met with mediocre vocal performances from some girls who can not stay in tune. But Sera sounds great all the time. The song is nice and the guitar is soothing and the raps are really good but unnecessary. The vocals are mediocre and so is the performance...It's a decent mid-tempo ballad but nothing all that great.
미스 에이전트: Loving the 80's pop here! It's fun and upbeat! Very catchy and I like the lyrics! Good song!
Time's Up: A nice upbeat and modern song. At this point of the album we have kind of left the whole showtune vibe and crossed into modern territory with some 80's refrains with the use of the strings and trumpets. This is a good song, nothing amazing but fun!
Don't Know Don't Know: It's a cute song, a little too much for my tastes but it's not aegyo filled. Nice song, pop and cutesy.
Around/Dizzy: This is really good! It too could have served as a title song or a nice follow up for promotions. Very catchy the melody is good, I love the raps and the lyrics. It was put together very well! Good song!
Do Not: I don't really like this mainly because vocals are the problem. I think it would've been a good song if they didn't sing it so nasally it's annoying. Other than that the song is decent.
Overall: It is now starting to show that this group is made up of a bunch of models with mediocre talent save for a few girls. Sera, the rappers and a couple of other vocalists are really good but the others that are just "there" they bring down the group vocally. There are a lot of good songs. Actually this entire album is good in terms of consistency because everything is straight up pop for the most part. They don't go out of their territory because not all of the girls are great vocalists, which is good. They do songs that cater to their voices. However, if I have to point out how bad the song is because of their vocals, then it's a problem. Apart from that, like I said, the album is really good. Consistent all the way through and they deliver the concept well. Those that are fans will love this album. I on the other hand will continue to wait when they deliver something epic again. So far I only like their title songs (Last Scene is the exception) so I will wait for when the girls progress!
Rating: 3.0/5
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